Sunday, May 19, 2013

a piece of TWiNE - Opening Reception

On May 10th "a piece of TWiNE" opened at the Imagine Gallery, Northampton, Massachusetts. There was a wonderful turnout for the reception, with TWiNE members driving for many hours to attend, and many members of the local community filling up the gallery as well.
(ABOVE: Left wall, Janet Austin, right wall, Suzanne Pretty)

In addition to the tapestries, and visiting with old friends, there was quite an impressive spread of delicious food!

(ABOVE: Sarah Warren's tapestries in the hallway)

The tapestries filled the gallery space, and were also hanging in the hallway and reception area.

I was pleased that each artist's works were kept together.

I think it makes the exhibit more cohesive.

(LEFT: Julia Mitchell)

(LEFT: Four tapestries by Bonnie Eadie)

I am embarrassed to say that, what with all the socializing, I missed some of the artists completely. Sorry.

The show will be up until June 1, so you still have time to see it.

(LEFT: Louise Abbott)

NOTE: you can click on any image to see a larger version.

(ABOVE: left, Katie Hickey, right Betsy Wing)

(BELOW: 3 on left, Barbara Burns, 3 on right, Tamar Shadur)

(BELOW: left, Bonnie Eadie, right Eve Pearce)

(BELOW: 3 tapestries by Betsy Wing)

(BELOW: left, Barbara Burns, 4 on right, Tamar Shadur)

(More about Tamar's Holocaust Memorial Tapestry in an upcoming blog post)

(ABOVE: Priscilla Alden)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

TWiNE Exhibit at Imagine Art Gallery, Northampton

a piece of TWiNE 

May 10 - June 1, 2013 

for details CLICK on the image to see it larger.